Tuesday 30 June 2020

Angelonia / Angelonia white

Angelonia / Angelonia white

White with pale purple lines and dots
Spiritual Messages- Renunciation of Emotional Desires
Indispensable for transformation.
Angelonia white
Spiritual Messages- Integral Renunciation of Vital Desires
An indispensable condition for true progress.

Angelonia salicarifolia

Angelonia salicarifolia

Very small purple flowers studding the erect stems, aromatic leaves
Spiritual Messages- Renunciation of Vital Desires
It has Understood the emptiness of desire.

Angelonia salicarifolia
Very small purple flowers studding the erect stems, aromatic leaves
Spiritual Messages- Renunciation of Vital Desires
It has Understood the emptiness of desire.

Thursday 11 June 2020

Anethum graveolens

Anethum graveolens
Features- Umbels of numerous tiny yellow flowers, soft leaves have a pungent fragrance
Spiritual Messages- Light in the physical body
When the body becomes receptive to the higher consciousness
If we are awake in the physical, we shall feel the light, power or Ananda flowing through the body, the limbs, nerves, blood, breathe and, through the subtle body, effecting the most material cells making them conscious and blissful and we shall sense directly the Divine Power and Presence.
जब शरीर उच्च चेतना के लिए ग्रहणशील हो जाता है
यदि हम भौतिक में जागृत हैं, तो हम शरीर के माध्यम से बहने वाले प्रकाश, शक्ति या आनंद को महसूस करेंगे, अंगों, नसों, रक्त, सांस और, सूक्ष्म शरीर के माध्यम से, सबसे अधिक सामग्री कोशिकाओं को प्रभावित करके उन्हें जागरूक और आनंदित करेंगे और हम करेंगे सीधे दिव्य शक्ति और उपस्थिति को.

Saturday 6 June 2020

Anemone flower / Anemopaegma chamberlaynii

Anemone flower
Spiritual Messages- Fragile Elegance
Features- several colors of delicate rotate flowers
Anemopaegma chamberlaynii
Spiritual Messages- Voice of the Higher Mind
In quest of truth
Features- small cream-white flowers with light yellow corolla tube; creeper

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Alpinia galangal / Alpinia speciosa

Alpinia galangal
Spiritual Messages- To know what has to be said
Neither too many, nor too few words-just what is needed.
Features- short spikes of white flowers with prominent light yellow striped maroon-red; rhizomatous plant
Alpinia speciosa
Spiritual Messages- Eloquence
We know how to express ourselves in a convincing way.
Features- Shellflower, light pink or white buds tipped light red opening to show prominent yellow streaked and spotted red; large rhizomatous plant.